Set in the drawing room of Thrivington Hall, the home of Lady Daphne Boucher., her long-faithful butler, Scribbins, and newly-employed maid, Lizzie Crawford, who reside with her. Lady Boucher is somewhat disappointed with Lizzie, as she turns out to be the complete opposite to her glowing references.
The story revolves around a string of jewellery thefts that prompt Lady Boucher to create a fictitious holiday rather than going away, as, although Lady Boucher feels her jewellery is quite secure in the safe hidden behind a picture in the drawing room, she’s apprehensive of leaving the property entirely empty.With military precision, Scribbins helps to plan a ‘holiday at home’. After their departure is seen by some residents, they return secretly to the Hall for the fictitious week’s holiday. Whilst the local residents of Thrivington believe Lady Boucher and her butler are living it up on the Italian Riviera, Lizzie Crawford has been neatly placed at the Vicarage for a week of spring cleaning. The following Saturday, after a very early departure from Thrivington Hall to fabricate their return, the house falls victim to the next jewellery theft. As the plot thickens, including the death of Alice Derbyshire. It becomes a puzzling problem for Inspector Warwick to solve.

Lady Daphne Boucher
Lizzie Crawford
Ruby Pentecost
Miss Alice Derbyshire
Miss Felicity Reynolds
Reverend Phillpots
Inspector Warwick
Constable Atkins
Italian Recording

Gilly Lee
Mike Adnett
Lynn Stevens
Jean Chudleigh
Danielle Collis
Sara Lang
Mark Canterbury
Chris Lang
Paul Cassell
Geoff Williams